Get 10x More Nutrition Clients From Instagram


(No icky or sleazy tactics required!)

For Dietitians, Nutritionists, Fitness Coaches & Naturopathic Practitioners

Learn the exact formula I've used to help my clients 10x their sales and attract nutrition clients fast (even if you're brand new to this).

If you're feeling this way, you're NOT alone.

  • You’re feeling unsure about what to sell and you're probably hiding because you don't know how to show up or what to say to get clients.

  • You tried to get clients by posting on social media but your DM is full of people asking for free advice and you've no clue how to convert them to paying customers.

  • You're getting enquiries but all you're hearing is "it's too expensive" or worst, they ghost you after you've shared your prices.

  • You're feeling burnt out from throwing spaghetti at the wall and trying to replicate what everyone else is doing, just to see little to NO results.

  • Frankly, you're starting to feel frustrated and disheartened from seeing other people selling out their offers confidently... but you just cannot quite put your finger on what is it that you're missing. You're even starting to wonder if you're cut out for business....

Does This Sound Familiar?

As an online Dietitian, Nutrition Coach, or Naturopath, you understand the importance of showing up consistently to grow your brand and attract clients on Instagram. EXCEPT...

Don't you wish you could...

  • Know exactly how to attract high-paying clients on social media without stressing about your following or algorithm changes?

  • Create an engaged online community with your inbox full of DMs from potential clients asking how they can work with you?

  • Have a proven system for making sales on repeat (even if you don't have a big audience)?

  • Set yourself apart from other nutrition professionals online and start growing your business more consistently?

Then great news!
I have the exact solution to help you:

Using my proven framework, you'll discover how to become a client magnet so you get to work with dream clients and start transforming lives (doing what you are best at!).

Get More Clients


Learn how to adopt a winning mindset and sell authentically from a place of service and abundance. I'll show you how to conquer limiting beliefs and tackle sales objections confidently.

Sell Confidently


Build a rock-solid sales foundation so that you can grow and scale your nutrition business confidently, stop trading your time for money, and create more financial and location freedom!

Grow Your Business


Get 10x More Nutrition Clients?


Take a look inside...

The Step-By-Step Formula for Online Nutrition Businesses to Attract High-Paying Clients on Demand Without Using Sleazy Sales Tactics
(or spending all day on social media)

If you feel uncomfortable about selling, this lesson is going to help you tackle mindset gremlins and empower you to show up as your unique, authentic self and confidently speak about your offer from a place of service.

Transforming Your Sales Mindset


What’s Included?

Discover my step-by-step blueprint for using Instagram Stories to nurture your audience and establish yourself as the credible expert... so you'll start to build a loyal community of raving fans who's dying to buy anything you offer!

I'll show you how to conquer visibility fears and show up confidently (even if you're an introvert like me!).

Instagram Stories That Sells


Sick of being bombarded with salesy DMs from random strangers? Me too, and no one likes it!

I'll show you how to fill your inbox with consistent enquiries from dream clients and start authentic conversations that lead into sales... plus how to deal with people asking for free advice! I'll show you how to conquer visibility fears and show up confidently (even if you're an introvert like me!).

Driving Leads to Your DMs


Never quite sure how to progress an enquiry to a sale and worried that you'll get ghosted?

I'll show you how to develop a sales strategy that is proven to work for nutrition businesses... and my process for following up with potential clients and supporting them to making an aligned decision.

The Art of Selling in the DMs


Learn how to navigate sales calls and tackle objections like "it's too expensive" confidently without resorting to using any high-pressure, uncomfortable sales tactics.

I'll show you how to hold empowering sales conversations and turn the "I'm not sure" client into a "Hell yes, sign me up!".

Tackling Objections with Confidence


Can I overdeliver with these crazy bonuses?

Unlock my step-by-step formula for holding empowering sales conversations during discovery calls and the essential strategies you'll need in place to lead them to a decision sooner.

10-Step Discovery Call Success Guide


Need to make sales like yesterday? I hear you.

In this training, I share 5 simple, yet powerful ways to help you get a cash injection FAST (even if you don't have a big following)!

5 Steps to Get Nutrition Clients Fast


Feel like no one is engaging with your content and you're feeling stuck on what to say to get client enquiries?

Create compelling content & boost your conversions with my list of click-worthy CTAs.

The Ultimate Call-To-Action (CTA) Cheatsheet



If you are worried about how much time this is going to take, and you aren't naturally creative, then you can be rest assured that these bonuses will fix that... FAST!

I need more clients now!



What Our Clients Say

Charlyn and her team are very professional and the supporting resources have been so helpful! She is such a great mentor and wealth of knowledge. I have made back my investment and it was definitely worth it!

“The biggest wins have been my growth on Instagram and achieving my first $5K month!”


Gemma Gilbert

And that’s on top of my full-time job, I can’t believe it! I am so grateful for all the help and support I had from you. One of the biggest benefits aside from financial is just how much more streamlined my processes are. My business has been growing steadily!

“In the last 2 weeks, I have signed up 5 clients and made almost $7K in revenue.”


Sophie Mahoney

I am now 4 followers away from my end of year social media goals (which I’ve met 6 months earlier than expected!). I also have 2 new returning clients to my program restarting next week!

"Since implementing Charlyn’s Instagram tips, I’ve increased my engagement by 63% this week!"


Teagan Harris

It's time to embrace sales and master the art of selling... in a heart-centered way.

You know that you're meant to be transforming lives with your nutrition knowledge and expertise. But you just don't understand why sales feel like you're pulling teeth and you've no idea when your next client is coming.

Something needs to change and there is a better way to hit your next income goal without using sleazy tactics. You can do this with integrity and start seeing the sales roll in (from clients that light you up!).

With lifetime access to the step-by-step training, bonus DM scripts and 10-step sales call guide, you'll have everything you need to start getting results and increase your income exponentially.

What You'll Get In the Get 10x More Nutrition Clients Mini-Course

  • Strategically craft social media content to establish your authority online and build a genuine connection with your audience.

  • Step-by-step training to help you develop a rock-solid sales foundation and convert clients on repeat.

  • Set up a sales process that feels empowering and aligned for your clients so they feel seen and heard.

  • Grow your income and change the trajectory of your business, and your life.


You can achieve all these without spending hours each day being stuck in the social media vortex.

Unlock the sales secrets that's helped my clients 10x their results and skyrocket their income... turning their cute little side-hustle into a serious business generating full-time income working flexible hours. You'll learn how to:

It's time to ditch the overwhelm and swap the "Post & Hope" strategy to one that ACTUALLY works!



Hi, I'm Charlyn

You might be thinking... Why would you listen to me?

Because I'm not just another social media influencer

I'm a practising Dietitian with over 15 years of experience and I was once stuck in an underpaid job working overtime and feeling seriously undervalued.

I went from working 9-5 in the hospital, to working 10 hour days trying to juggle everything as a private practice owner (and a new mom).

After discovering the power of social media marketing and successfully scaling my online dietitian practice to multiple 6-figures... I found my passion for coaching other private practitioners to grow and scale their businesses online.

I'm not special. Just like many of you, I didn't know how to market myself or build a profitable business during my nutrition degree. 

After years of investing in learning from mentors, I've created a sales and marketing system for nutrition professionals to sign clients using ethical sales strategies to grow your business.

I'm excited to share this exact system with you in the Get 10x More Nutrition Clients course!

Check Out My Clients' Results

"My followers grew by 11x to 54.7k in two months and I went from making $500 per month, to over $5000!"


“3 sign ups to my new higher-priced offer this week! Also higher reach on Reels!!”


"The biggest wins I've achieved so far is having a $22k month whilst working in another full-time job."





Some people think I'm insane!

They said that charging $77 is wayyy too low.

Really, there’s no catch, hidden agenda, or fees!


Your investment today = JUST $77


There's so much value in this sales course... I'm literally spilling the secrets that's skyrocketed my nutrition business from zero to multiple-six figures.

But, I genuinely care about your success and I know that you'd rather be working with clients and transforming lives... not getting stuck on a hamster wheel chasing after clients, undercharging or feeling undervalued.

I've witnessed firsthand how this sales system has skyrocketed my clients' businesses. I want that for you too!

This offer is ONLY valid for a limited time only, so make sure to grab it while it's still at this INSANELY low price.

What Our Clients Say...

Got more questions?
I’ve got answers!

You will receive a bank of 183 nutrition content prompts on the Ultimate Content Vault so you can easily plan and map out content for 6 months. Everything is available to you for download immediately upon purchase. 

In addition to the content prompts, you will also receive trainings and additional bonuses, including my Social Media Content Planner, 7 of my high-converting Canva post templates, 50 nutrition-related hashtags, and exclusive videos on how to craft content that attracts your dream clients in a soulful way.

The tips, tools and templates available on the Ultimate Content Vault are designed for you to take strategic action and save time, so you can feel confident on knowing exactly what to post, or say to your audience on social media. The content prompts are evergreen, so they're not going to go out of trend!

what exactly is the ultimate content vault?

When you purchase the 'Get 10x More Nutrition Clients from Instagram' mini-course, you will get lifetime access to the step-by-step training portal, plus bonuses to help you accelerate the process for getting more clients.

Everything is available for you to watch or download immediately upon purchase. All lessons are bite-sized and you will be able to complete the whole training in an hour.

The training, tips, and guides available on the course are designed for you to take strategic action and save time, so you can feel confident on knowing exactly what to post, or say to your audience on social media to make sales. I've cut out all the fluff so you can get results fast!

This sales course is designed for any dietitians, nutritionists, naturopaths, allied health, or wellness professionals who wants to attract more clients consistently and grow their business (well, that's pretty much everyone!).

The sales strategy and blueprint can be applied to any niche and health profession. It is evergreen, meaning you can use it anytime (and not worry about algorithm changes!).

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to craft compelling content to attract more clients and establish yourself as the go-to expert online, this is for you!

A big fat yes! Because frankly, if you're not making any sales in your business, it's simply an expensive hobby.

I get it. When you're starting a new business, you're probably not ready to make any investments just yet. You're scared it's not going to work for you and you're afraid of failing. You're not sure if it's the right time.

BUT, what's the cost of not learning how to sell? You'll end up staying where you're and not making a consistent income.

Using my proven system, you'll never have to convince anyone to buy from you or worry about where your next client is coming from. Let's accelerate your success now.

YES absolutely, plus you'll get lifetime access too! Once you have made payment for your purchase, you will receive an email with instructions on how to access the members area. All the content will be available to you immediately after purchase, we don't hold anything back! 

You have immediate access to the content of this digital product upon purchase so all sales are final. We do not offer a refund, except when required by our obligations under the Florida Consumer Laws. We are not obligated to provide a refund if you change your mind.

Please read this product page carefully to ensure you understand what you are purchasing. If you have any questions, please email us on:

You will receive a bank of 183 nutrition content prompts on the Ultimate Content Vault so you can easily plan and map out content for 6 months. Everything is available to you for download immediately upon purchase. 

In addition to the content prompts, you will also receive trainings and additional bonuses, including my Social Media Content Planner, 7 of my high-converting Canva post templates, 50 nutrition-related hashtags, and exclusive videos on how to craft content that attracts your dream clients in a soulful way.

The tips, tools and templates available on the Ultimate Content Vault are designed for you to take strategic action and save time, so you can feel confident on knowing exactly what to post, or say to your audience on social media. The content prompts are evergreen, so they're not going to go out of trend!

what exactly is the ultimate content vault?

Insane Results Our Clients Are Getting

Ready to Get More Clients?

Save months of guesswork and learn the exact framework I've used to help my clients 10X their sales and get nutrition clients FAST!

You have a choice. You can either take the slow path and keep figuring it out yourself, or hit the button below and unlock the secrets so you can start getting results.


Hi, I'm Charlyn

I'm an IBS Dietitian with 14+ years of experience, and I'm passionate about helping other Dietitians and Nutritionists build their dream businesses and create more freedom in their lives doing what they love. I’ve helped 500+ Dietitians and Nutrition Entrepreneurs globally 





50 instagram reel ideas